October 23, 2020

Level Up the Vote: Cast Your Ballots with Us at Jam City November 2


A Note From Our CEO, Chris DeWolfe:

Voting is our most prized right as citizens of the United States of America. And now, more than ever, we must exercise that right and demonstrate the power of democracy by voting in the upcoming election.

As a mobile entertainment company, Jam City does fun. And as a company with a great headquarters in Culver City, we believe that we have a special way to engage in our civic duty while also making it fun for many.

We have partnered with the County of Los Angeles to offer our outdoor facility to be an official vote center where people can both vote, and drop off their ballots. If you live in the Greater Los Angeles area, we invite you to our global headquarters in Culver City for the last day of mobile voting on Monday, November 2—the day before Election Day. You can cast your ballot or drop off your mail-in ballot with us in a fun environment that will take away some of the stress and anxiety that election season inevitably brings.

Los Angeles County will be ensuring all safety precautions. Masks will be required and social distancing will be observed. But we are also going to dial up the fun with food, drinks and special surprises. We’ll be celebrating voting with our community and hope to see you there.

Those of you in Culver City, walk on down. We’re your neighbors. If you drive in, don’t worry, we have free and easy parking.

Remember that November 2 is the last day for early voting. This is your chance to avoid the crowds and mayhem of Election Day and ensure your vote gets counted. But more importantly, it’s your chance to vote in style and to have a bit of fun and levity during these difficult times.

We know you have lots of options on where you can vote, and that’s the great part about living in Southern California. We hope that we can celebrate American democracy together, and what better way to do that than with L.A.’s own gaming company.

I am looking forward to seeing you!
